Who Do We Help?
The United Way supports programs that touch people from all walks of life in Ross County.
In 2019, the Ross County Community was served through partnerships with the following organizations: Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Carver Community Center, the Coalition against Domestic Violence, the Child Protection Center, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, Easter Seals Discovery Garden, all 7 Ross county/City School Districts with the success by 6 Kindergarten Readiness Program, Frankfort Senior Center, the Hope Clinic, the Hunger Coalition Mighty Active Packs Club and Produce Give-a-ways, the Military Veterans Resource Center, Ohio State University's Cooking Matters program, Paper City Mentoring, Ross County's Community Action Center's Men's Shelter, the Ross County CASH Coalition Volunteer Tax Assistance, the Salvation Army, Seeds of Hope, Wee Care Outreach, the YMCA of Ross County, and we oversee the Volunteer Center Website and the 2-1-1 Resource Line.
How Do We Help So Many People with So Many Needs?
We focus on three major impact areas to address the needs in our community: Education, Health and Income Stability.
We partner with 15 local agency programs that facilitate 18 programs that support Ross County. United Way of Ross County houses 8 initiative programs that enhance the health, education, and financial stability of Ross County. We focus on three major impact areas to address needs in our community: education, health and income stability. When a program doesn't already exist to meet a need in our community, we work with non-profit partners to create programs to address those specific community needs.
How Do We Decide Which Programs to Fund?
Our volunteer Board of Trustees members, along with other community volunteers, and the UWRC staff, spend time continually reviewing requests for funds, reviewing current program results, and looking at new programs that address the unique needs of our community. We always strive to make a positive difference in the lives of our Ross County residents.
99% of donations made to the United Way of Ross County, STAY IN ROSS COUNTY, making a difference in the lives of our community members. This is why United Way relies on community leaders and volunteers to help us decide where and how to invest our dollars. Community volunteers continually spend time reviewing programs and requests for funds, and make careful decisions on where the greatest needs in the community are. We then make careful decisions on how to invest your dollars, and follow up on programs through reports, audits and visits throughout the year. This process allows United Way to be extremely efficient, keeping costs low so more dollars go toward providing services. You can be assured that by giving to United Way of Ross County, your donation will meet the most deserving needs across the community in the best way possible to make the most difference.
99% of donations made to the United Way of Ross County, STAY IN ROSS COUNTY, making a difference in the lives of our residents.
How Do Non-Profit Agencies Apply For Funding?
If you are a non-profit agency with a 501(C)(3) status and are interested in becoming a Program Partner by receiving a United Way Grant, please click here for more information or contact us at 740/773-3280. Together we can help make our community a better place.
The United Way also provides one-time special needs and new program initiative grants to agencies that need assistance. Click here to find out more about these available grants.