United Way: Helping people achieve financial stability and independence
Steady employment with sufficient income is the basis for individual and family financial stability. For many, wages have not kept pace with rising costs for housing, food, health care, and education. Many in our community work low-paying jobs without basic health and retirement benefits, or the ability to survive a financial emergency.
Our Vision
Ross County residents will have the skills and income they need to be financially stable.
Our Goal
Our ultimate goal is a reduction in the number of low- and moderate-income individuals and families who are financially unstable. This means people are not only able to survive financial emergencies without losing homes, wages or other resources, but also can save for a new home, college or retirement and successfully plan and achieve long-term financial goals.
Our Strategy
To achieve our goal, we will help low- and moderate income wage earners maximize their income by seeking earned income and other tax credis and refunds, opening and managing checking and savings accounts, wisely managing their money, and maintaining employment. We can do this by fostering programs that provide job readiness and skills training, free tax-filing assistance, budget counseling and financial literacy classes, including children's programs.